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Abstract Topic: Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture

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Adoption Level of Integrated Farming System Based on Rice-Cattle and Its Determinants
Novitri Kurniati1, Ketut Sukiyono2 , and Purmini3

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Novitri Kurniati

1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, INDONESIA
2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, INDONESIA
3 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu, INDONESIA

Abstract. One of the ways to restore the fertility of rice fields is through improving soil structure and fulfilling soil microbes by using organic fertilizer derived from livestock waste. For this reason, it is necessary to implement an Integrated Plant Crop System that combines rice and cattle. The study aims at analyzing the determinants of farmers decisions in adopting integrated rice-based integrated farming systems in Bengkulu Province. This research applied survey method, which was conducted in Seluma and Rejang Lebong Regencies Bengkulu Province. The data taken includes primary and secondary data and were analyzed with the use of Regression Logistic Multinomial. The results indicated that simultaneously all the predictor variables had a significant effect on the response variable, while partially the income, land area, number of cattle and farmers perceptions had a very significant effect on the adoption of the integration system while the variable costs of production, farming experience and labor did not have a significant effect on the decision to adopt a rice and cattle integration system.

Keywords : Adoption, integrated farming, rice, cattle

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


An Analysis on Potato Farm Marketing in Jojogan Village Kejajar Subsdistrict of Wonosobo Regency
Astuti Nugraheni¹⁾, Watemin²⁾, Sulistyani Budiningsih³⁾

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Astuti Nugraheni

University Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

This study aims to determine the pattern of marketing channel, margin and distribution of marketing margins as well as farmer share in potato farming in Jojogan Village, Kejajar subsdistrict of Wonosobo Regency. The method used was survey by determining the number of samples using a random sampling formula. Data analysis used was descriptive and quantitative methods. Descriptive analysis was carried out to determine the pattern of institutional channles of potato marketing. Quantitative analysis was carried out to observe marketing margins, marketing efficiency and the portion received by farmers (farmer share). The results of this study show that, there were 5 marketing channels patterns in potato marketing namely Channle Pattern I (farmer-consumer), Channel Pattern II (farmer-retailer-consumer). Pattern Channle III (farmer-collector-retailer-consumer). Channel IV(farmer-collector-wholesaler-consumer) and Channel Pattern V (farmer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer). The biggest marketing margin was in marketing Channel of Pattern I with a total margin IDR 11,000. Farmer share in pattern I was 91.6%, pattern III was 87.5%, pattern IV was 85.8% and pattern V was 81.6%.

Analysis, Marketing, Farming, Potato

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Analysis of Factors Affecting Production and Demand for Red Chili (Capsicum Annuum L)
Dyah Erni Widyastuti, Jabal Tarik Ibrahim and Zul Mazwan

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Dyah Erni Widyastuti

University Muhammadiyah of Malang

Red chili is one of the important commodities, for household consumption and industrial raw materials in Indonesia. The imbalance between demand and supply and the condition of the season, causes price fluctuations. Fluctuations in the price of red chili always occur and contribute to inflation. This study analyzes the factors that influence production and demand, as well as the elasticity of demand for red chili. Data analysis using multiple linear regression models with secondary data from 2007-2016. The research variables are production, red chili prices, cayenne prices, red onion prices, red chilli imports, exports and demand for red chili. The research results represent the production of red chili is a function of the production of the previous period, harvested area and selling price at the producer level. The demand for red chili is influenced by the price of red chili, the price of cayenne pepper, consumer income and population, while the price of shallots and imports has no effect. Based on the analysis, the elasticity of demand for red chili is normal and inelastic goods against price changes.

red chilli, inflation, demand elasticity

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Analysis of Purple Cleome (Cleome rutidospermae) Metabolites as Potential Organic Pesticides
Ali Ikhwan, Dian Indratmi, Hanim Inayatur Robbiya dan Annisa Noviyanti

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Ali Ikhwan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

INTRODUCTION Purple Cleome (Cleome rutidosperme) is known to have metabolites that can be used as organic pesticides. This plant contains a group of alkaloid and flavonoid compounds which could be used as organic pesticides (Bose, et al., 2007). However, the types and concentrations of these compounds have not been studied in depth. This research is intended to examine further the types and concentrations of alkaloid and flavonoid which act as pesticides, especially organic fungicides on fungal pathogens Colletotrichum sp and their mechanisms in inhibiting these pathogens that attack chili plants. To achieve this goal, the research stages are as follows: (1) extraction of purple Cleome leaves with absolute methanol 1: 1 w / v; (2) metabolite analysis using GC-MS (Gass Chromatography – Mass Spectrophotometry) type QP2010S Shimadzu, with the RXi-5MS semi-polar columns, helium carrier gas with a flow rate of 0.5 ml / min, and a pressure of 27.4 kPa. The initial temperature of the GC oven was 120 oC with incremental increase of 5 oC/ min until it reached 320 oC and 1-2 ul (Hussain, and Maqbool, 2014) was sampled; and (3) pathogenic inhibition test with fungi. Colletotrichum sp. pathogen model. The data obtained were analyzed with the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) database to obtain specific metabolites that act as organic pesticides. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The GC-MS analysis of Purple Cleome leaf extracts analysed 18 metabolites and 3 of them were identified as organic fungicides as shown in the following table: Table 1: Analysis of Purple Cleome metabolites acting as organic fungicides No. Compound Name (CAS) Composition (%) Function 1. Propanoic acid C11H14O2 4,12 % • Acts as an antifungal and antibacterial agent by inhibiting their growth (Bose, et al., 2007). 2. Phenol C17H28O 8,38 % • Acts as an anti-microbial that is toxic and corrosive to microbes. Phenol can damage the hydrophobic components of cell membranes such as proteins and phospholipids. • Acts as an inhibitor for essential enzymes and as an active antimicrobial agent of vegetative cells of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Phenol can reduce permeability of cytoplamide membrane and dead fungal cells (Rahman, et al, 2012) 3. Isopropyl myristate C17H3402 15,86 % • Act as an active ingredient of pesticides Besette and Brentwood (2007) The result of GC-MS analysis identified three metabolite compounds namely propanoic acid, phenol, and isopropyl myristate, with a total composition of 28.36%, which acts as an antifungal and antibacterial agent (Bose, et al. 2007). The inhibition mechanism by Propanoic acid varies depending on the microorganism. Some microorganisms have an enzyme system that converts succinate into Propionyl-Coenzyme, and it can be converted into B-alanine or directly into CO2. The microbial inhibition mechanism works by competing with acetate in the acetokynase system, resulting in blockage of chemical reaction from

Metabolites, Pesticides, Organic, and Pathogens

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Rima Dewi Oryza Sativa, Jabal Tarik Ibrahim and Sutawi

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Rima dewi oryza Sativa

University of Muhammadiyah Malang

INTRODUCTION Rice is one of the main crops in Indonesia which produces the biggest staple food, namely rice. The government is trying to increase national rice production by increasing productivity and expanding paddy fields. The technical aspect, the technology used is the use of superior seeds. The consumer purchasing decision process according to Kotler and Armstrong (2012) consists of five stages, namely (1) introduction of problems / needs; (2) information retrieval; (3) alternative evaluation; (4) purchasing decisions; (5) post-purchase behavior. According to Syamsiah et al (2015), the use of quality seeds is the first key to success in rice farming. The main factor that is considered in the development of improved rice varieties in an area is the attitudes and preferences of farmers to choose and use appropriate superior seeds. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The characteristics of farmers in this study are 50-60 years old, most of the respondents&

rice varieties, decision-making

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Antioxidant activity of Kepok Kuning (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Cavendish (Musa acuminata Colla, AAA) banana peel extract and its potency as chicken meat preservatives
Afifah1, Tri Rini Nuringtyas1

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Tri Rini Nuringtyas

1 Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Banana is one of the most consumed food commodities in the world. People consume fruit flesh and remove peel as wastes. Banana peels contain starch, pectin, and phytochemical compounds such as phenolic and flavonoids that act as natural antioxidants. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity of Kepok Kuning banana peel extract (Musa paradisiaca L.) and Cavendish (Musa acuminata Colla, AAA), and its potential as a preservative of chicken meat. The dried banana peel was extracted using 80 % methanol. Kepok crude extract (KCE), cavendish crude extract (CCE) were evaluated for their antioxidant activity using DPPH and FRAP methods. BHT was used as a synthetic preservative control. Both extract KCE, CCE, and control BHT were tested for their preservatives potency for chicken meat. Three controls were meat without treatment, meat  2% salt and positive control meat  BHT 0.1%  2% salt. Whereas the treatments included meat + EKK + salt 2% and meat + EKC + salt 2%, both at concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively. The parameters observed were changes in the color of the meat for eight days incubation in the refrigerator. It was observed with ImageJ software while free fatty acid (FFA) contents were determined by titration. The results showed that both EKK 15% and EKC 15% showed higher antioxidant activity than 0.1% BHT. There was no significant difference between treatments on the L (lightness) and b (yellowness) values, but not for a (redness). FFA values were significantly different between treatments with the highest value in the untreated control at 0.41% and the lowest at 0.12% for the EKK 15 % and EKC 15%. These results indicate that both banana peel extracts have the potential to be developed as preservatives of chicken meat.

banana peel, natural preservatives, antioxidant, fenolic, flavonoids

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Antioxidant Properties and Chemical Characteristics of Cow-s Milk Kefir Enriched with Ginger Extract (Zingeber officinalle)
Putri Dian Wulansari*1 and Novia Rahayu2

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Putri Dian Wulansari

Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya, INDONESIA.

Background: Kefir is currently much in demand and trusted by the public because it has healthy benefits, one of which is to replace the use of synthetic antioxidants as free radical scavengers. Fermented milk is a good antioxidant vehicle, the addition of microorganism during fermentation can increase antioxidant activity (1). Another source of natural antioxidants is by adding isolation from natural sources of antioxidants (2). Ginger (Zingeber officinale) is an herbal plant that has antioxidant activity that has long been used as an alternative to traditional medicine and is found in Indonesia. However, no references have been found yet about the functional component of ginger extract is added in the fermentation process of cow-s milk kefir on the antioxidant activity and chemical characteristics it produces. Aims: This research was conducted in an effort to characterize the antioxidant activity and chemical characteristics of cow,s milk kefir enriched by ginger extract. Materials and Methods: Fresh Cow-s milk was obtained from As-Salam Breeding Farm in Tasikmalaya; grain kefir from Milky Way in Bogor; and ginger from traditional market in Tasikmalaya. The research employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). This study consisted of 5 treatment (each repeated 5 times) with an interval of giving ginger extract 0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2%. Ginger extract was used methode (3). The process of making kefir uses the modified methode (4). The milk was transported in a cold condition, and was pasteurized at 72oC for 15 second, then was cooled to 28oC than inoculated with ginger extract according to the treatment and grain kefir as much as 10%, and incubated for 24 hours to allow fermentation process. Milk kefir was separated from kefir grains by using a fine plastic strainer and ready for analysis. The data obtained were analysed using Two Way Anova with SPSS software version 17 with a confidence level of 95%, and further tests using the Least Significant Difference Test (5). Results: The parameter measured in this study were antioxidant activity (DPPH and total polyphenol levels) and chemical characteristics (alcohol content, free fatty acids, lactic acid levels and pH). The result showed that the addition of ginger extract had no effect on alcohol levels, free fatty acids, lactid acid levels, and pH but were able to increase antioxidant activity (DPPH) and total polyphenol levels. The average alcohol content, free fatty acids, lactid acid levels and pH in this study were 1.42 g/dl, 0.5503 mg/KOH, 1.0005% and 4.42 fulfilling kefir quality requirements set by Codex Stan 243-2003. The more addition of ginger extract (0-2%) to the manufacture of kefir, the higer the antioxidant activity (DPPH) and the total phenolics levels. Conclusion: Conclusion on this study is the addition of ginger extract in fermentation cow-s milk kefir can increase antioxidant activity and total polyphenol levels, without affecting its chemical characteristics.

Antioxidant; Chemical Characteristics; Cow-s Milk; Ginger Extract; Kefir; and Total Phenol.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Asmah Hidayati, Wehandaka Pancapalaga, Ali Mahmud, Bayu Etti Tri Adiyastiti, Titik Ambarwati

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Asmah Hidayati

University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Lambs fattening has promising business opportunities in Malang. Demand for lamb is quite high in the is higher than mutton.One of the feeds given is complete corn silage feed.The purpose of intellectual campuss business development program is produce lamb for fulfill the needs of animal protein specifically for people in Malang. The materials are 60 rams. This program is carried out in the UMM experimental farm laboratory. Feasibility analysis is measured from 2 aspects. First,non-financial which consists of market aspects, management aspects, technical aspects, social aspects, and environmental impact aspects. Second,financial aspects are analyzed through the Net Present Value (NPV) eligibility criteria, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Cost-Benefit Ratio (Net B / C), Gross Cost-Benefit Ratio (Gross B / C), and Return Period . The results of the lambs business development program indicate that the non-financial and financial aspects are very feasible to develop

lambs fattening, corn silasge feed, Intellectual Campuss Product Bussines Development Program

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Assesing average and potential yields of soybean high yield lines
Gatut_Wahyu A. S. 1, Novita Nugrahaeni2, Abdullah Taufiq3, Titik Sundari4, Suhartina5 and Purwantoro6

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Gatut Wahyu Anggoro Susanto

Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, INDONESIA

Assesing average and potential yields of soybean high yield lines Gatut_Wahyu A. S. 1, Novita Nugrahaeni2, Abdullah Taufiq3, Titik Sundari4, Suhartina5 and Purwantoro6 1-6 Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute, INDONESIA (E-mail:,,,,, Background: Average and potential yields of soybean can be increased through genetic and cultivation technology improvements. Genetic improvement can be attained by employing genetic engineering technologies or by crossing between soybean parentals to derive the desired lines or cultivars. One of the cultivation technologie components is planting suitable cultivars for specific purpose or environment. Response of cultivars to environmental conditions varies due to the existence of genotype by environment interactions (Sundari et al., 2016; Lyimo et al., 2017), therefore, cultivars must be evaluated in a diverse environments to determine their performances. In addition, planting areas of soybean is relatively stagnant, and even tends to decline. To meet the increasing demand of national soybeans it is important to make a breakthrough, especially in increasing seed yield average. Therefore increasing soybean productivity is important to achieve. Soybean cultivars with yield potential of more than 4.0 t/ha will be able to boost the increase national soybean production. Research to improve soybean seed potential has obtained 30 homozygouse lines which need to be further evaluated to asses the ability of the lines to produce high average and potential seed yields. Those lines will be evaluated compared to the most popular high yield cultivar Anjasmoro, and the new large seeded high seed yield Dega 1. Aims: The study was conducted to asses the average and yield potential of soybean lines. Materials and Methods: The trials were carried out in two stages, namely preliminary yield trial (PYT) and advanced yield trial (AYT), each of the trial is as followed: (1) PYT were conducted in two locations, i.e. in Jambegede Experimental Farm-Malang and in Ngale KP, Ngawi during the 1st dry season (MKI) 2017. Thirty soybean homozygous lines and two check cultivars (Anjasmoro and Dega 1) were arranged in randomized completely block design, replicated three times. Each genotype was planted in a plot of 5.6 m2 with 40 cm x 15 cm plant spacing, two plants per hill; (2). Thirteen selected soybean lines from PYT along with the same two check cultivars (Anjasmoro and Dega 1) were evaluated in AYT. The trials were conducted in three locations, i.e. Genteng Experimental Farm-Banyuwangi, Ngale Exp. Farm-Ngawi, and in Jambegede Exp. Farm-Malang during the 2nd dry season 2017. The 15 genotypes were set randomized completely block design, replicated three times. Each genotype was planted in a plot of 12 m2, spaced 40 cm inter rows and 15 cm within a row, two plants per hill. F

average, line, potential, soybean, yield

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Assessment of producing abilities of farmland in a limited water supply environment of Uzbekistan
A.R.Babajanov1, M.X.Suleymanova2, B.N.Inamov3 and X.A.Abdivaitov4

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Khudoyberdi Abdivaitov

1, 2,4Land Use, Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers (TIIAME), UZBEKISTAN.
(E-mail: alik5656[at], abdivaitov90[at]
3 The head of Scientific Researches department, Uzbek state research – project institute on land management “UZDAVERLOYIKHA”, UZBEKISTAN.
(E-mail: b.inamov[at]

The article researches calculating natural productive capacity of land plot soil of farming economies in today-s limited water supply environment of the Republic of Uzbekistan which is considered one of the developing countries in Central Asia, i.e. it explores both theoretical and methodological aspects of determining soil appraisal and issues of economic land assessment on its base. That is why the rational and efficient use of irrigation water in today-s limited water distribution is one of the most important issues for any farm, and it is extremely important to take into account the process of soil valuation and the economic assessment of irrigated land, as the land valuation data. the positive solution of a number of farm issues. Background: Over the last 15-20 years, it has been conducting the problems of improving the methodology of land distribution in the irrigated regions of Uzbekistan, as well as the organization of land use in the economic sectors using this land valuation data. Aims: state the aims of your study The primary aim of this research is to evaluate of producing abilities of farmland in the condition of limited water supply in Uzbekistan. Because of water scarcity is one of the huge problem in agricultural sector of the country. Uzbekistan has a huge potential of having different categories of lands, they mostly belong to the national government. Moreover, the population of this country has been significantly increased during the last decade, and the primary source of income of most of the people is directly connected to agriculture activities. In addition, various factors such as geographical location, different climate conditions, soil fertility, timely exchange of seasons, proper road and power line networks, and water resources, provide this country to a potential of land use in a wide range of agriculture and industrial purposes. Materials and Methods: this section describes the materials and methods you have used in your study. Please provide any statistical methods applied in your study here Some national statistical data are used for analysing farm-s irrigated lands in this article. Methods of constructive, grouping, analytical analysis were used in the study. Results: The proposed correction of irrigation water supply coefficients is one of the factors that does not allow solving the problem positively. The fact is that soil boundaries do not correspond to the boundaries of land plots or fields of farms, because the soil boundaries are formed due to the natural processes taking place in the area, and the land boundaries are artificial boundaries. Conclusion: It can be concluded from these studies that the proposed methodology of determining the natural fertility or natural production capacity of irrigated soils allows for a more accurate calculation of the normative value of irrigated land in today-s limited water distribution. This, in turn, will allow farmers to effectively organize

Keywords: agricultural land, economic productivity, farm, gross income, irrigated land, irrigation water, limited water distribution, mechanical composition of soil, natural fertility, natural production potential, net income, normative value of land, salinization, soil fertility, subsurface

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Bioactive Components and Properties of Hexan Extract and Its Fractions from Kitolod (Isotoma longiflora (L) Presl.) Leaves
Sukardi*1, Ahmad Yunus2, Danar Praseptiangga3, and Setyaningrum Ariviani3

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Sukardi Sukardi

1Authors- Department of Food Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: sukardiitp[at]

2Author-s Department of Agrotechnology, Sebelas Maret University, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: yunus.uns7[at]

3Author-s Department of Food Science and Technology, Sebelas Maret University, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: praseptiangga_de[at], setya_ariviani[at]

Technological advances improve the human life welfare, but it also raises environmental problems such as cigarette smoke, ozone damage, air and water pollution that cause free radicals. Continuously, the results of free radicals encourage the oxidative stress that defines as the imbalance between the productions of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with antioxidants to repair damage. This condition can stimulate the interference to all cellular components, including protein, lipids, carbohydrates, acids and nucleates, as the result it will affect physiological conditions (aging and exercise) and even diseases (inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative, and cancer.) To improve human health and prevent several problems due to free radicals is needed antioxidants from food and secondary metabolites from plants. Antioxidant can interact safely with free radicals, which could terminate the reaction before the molecule interference. Kitolod (Isotoma longiflora (L) Presl) mostly known as traditional medicine plant that contains secondary metabolites. According to previous research, it can treat several disease such as bronchitis, asthma, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic (Hariana, 2008; Hapsari et al., 2016). This study aimed to obtain bioactive components from hexane extracts, and their fractions from the leaves of kitolod (Isotoma longiflora (L) Presl). The procedure started, chitolod leaves were initially dried at 50oC then passed 40 mesh sieving. Kitolod leaves powder were extracted with hexane. Then followed by the chromatography column with hexane-fractionated extract: ethyl acetate eluent. LCMS was applied for bioactive compounds identification from fractions. Bioactive activity evaluation included antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory then inhibition of alpha amylase enzyme and glucosidase. The results showed that fractionation of hexane extract was obtained in 8 fractions. Antioxidant activity with DPPH in fractions 1 to 8 (IC 50) ranges from 8, 6 - 74, 5 µg / ml. The anti-inflammatory activity of the fraction at a concentration of 100 µg / ml ranged from 1.4 - 42.5 percent, whereas for the inhibitory activity of the -amylase enzyme was from 13.6 to 74.0 percent and -glucosidase was 29 - 55 percent (Table 1). Bioactive compounds in the 8th fraction were identified: benzoic acid, Sabinene, Myrcene, Thymol, Nojigiku alcohol, Capillin, β Caryophyllene, Cis Spiroketalenolether, polyyne, Nerolidol, Chrysandiol, Clovane 2 β, 9 α diol, Santilline, β Caryophyllene, Cis Spiroketalenolether, polyyne, Nerolidol, Chrysandiol, Clovane 2 β, 9 α diol, Santamarine, β Caryophyllene, Cis Spiroketalenolether, polyyne, Nerolidol, Chrysandiol, Clovane 2 β, 9 α diol, Santamarine, β Caryophyllene, Cis Spiroketalenolether, polyyne, Nerolidol, Chrysandiol, Clovane 2 β, 9 α diol, Santamarine, CICICOLIC CIC Cikanol F, β Sitosterol (Table 2). The results indicated that from 8 fractions there was a significantly diffe

bioactive, hexane extract, fraction, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Biotechnology of the Rice Straw Fermentation Using Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma Concerning in the Lignin dan Cellulos Content
S.Sukaryani, Engkus A.Y and Yos W.H

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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara

The rice straw is compost head that common and easily obtained in Indonesia. It is very potential use as a forage alternative substitute for the fresh forage. However, rice straw as forage has a limiting factor in it is use as forage. The limiting factor of rice straw is the low content of the crude protein, high content of crude fiber, lignin, cellulose and silica. The efforts to overcome the limiting factors that exist in rice straw, an alternative efforts that can be done are to provide the treatment of immersion in a solution of alkaline (lime), and the process of the rice straw fermentation by using inukulum microbial selulitik and lignoselulitik (Trichoderma sp and Aspergillus sp. ). The research method is experimental, with four kinds of treatment and repeated in five times. The design that uses RAL unidirectional pattern and if there are differences among treatments carried out a further test with DMRT (level 1% and 5%). These treatments are T0: the rice straw without fermented; T1: the rice straw that is fermented with Aspergillus niger; T2: the rice straw that is fermented with Trichoderma sp; T3: the rice straw that is fermented with a combination of microorganisms as Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma sp. The results showed that the rice straw fermentation with Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma mutants AA1 very significantly increase the content of cellulose and lower lignin content. The highest cellulose achieved by T3 (20.297%) followed by T2 (18.191%), T1 (17.712%) and T0 (16.747%). While the lowest content of lignin achieved by T3 (14.793%), followed T2 (26.063%), T1 (26.421%) and T0 (38.164%) The conclusion of this study were 1) fermentation of the rice straw can increase the content of cellulose and lower lignin content, 2 ) a combination of two different kinds of fungus (Aspergillusniger and Trichoderma) on the rice straw fermentation results cellulose content highest and lowest lignin content.

aspergillusniger, cellulos, lignin, trichoderma

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Characterization of xylanase gene from Clostridium acetobutylicum
Afifa Husna, Yo-Chia Chen

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Afifa Husna

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

Background: Clostridium acetobutylicum is an anaerobic Gram negative bacterium known to have the ability to degrade and utilize hemicellulose as a substrate for its metabolism. In order to use carbon source other than sugar, this bacteria harbor some glycosyl hydrolase enzymes as secondary metabolites. One of the enzymes is xylanase (endo-β-1,4-xylanase) which can breakdown xylan. In industry, this enzyme could be used to produce many kind of xylan derivatives, such as xylooligosaccharides, which has high economical value. Aims: Therefore, the aim of this study is to clone xylanase gene and identify the ability of the expressed xylanase from Clostridium acetobutylicum to breakdown any kind of xylan sources. Material and Methods: Xylanase gene from Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was amplified using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and cloned into pET 21a(+) expression vector, and then the constructs was transformed into Escherichia coli BL21 competent cells by heat shock. Protein expression was induced by the addition of 0.5 mM IPTG for 4 hours. The expressed recombinant protein was identified using SDS-PAGE and its activity towards various kind of substrates. Results: PCR amplification result showed that recombinant xylanase gene from C. acetobutylicum has 1371 bp and encodes 456 amino acids protein. BLAST analysis result showed that the recombinant gene has catalytic site and belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 43. SDS-PAGE was then carried out to confirm the expression of the cloned gene and production of an approximately 42 kDa protein was confirmed from the cloned gene. However, the ability of the expressed protein to degrade any kind of xylan sources needs to be further evaluated. Conclusion: Xylanase gene from C. acetobutylicum was successfully cloned and expressed, resulted in approximately 42 kDa recombinant protein, but its activity to breakdown xylan substrates needs to be further investigated.

Cloning, Clostridium acetobutylicum, overexpression, xylanase

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Characterization Properties Of Analog Rice From Arrowroot Starch With Addition Of Red Dragon Extract And Carrot Extract
Damat, D., Winarsih, S., Rastikasari, A.

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Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Background: In Indonesia, people with degenerative diseases continue to increase. One way to eliminate this problem is to consume lots of foods rich in fiber and rich in antioxidants. One type of food that has the potential to be developed is functional analog rice. Aims: This research was conducted with the aim to determine the physico-chemical properties of functional analog rice from arrowroot starch and red dragon fruit extract and carrot extract. Materials and Methods: This study uses the Nested design. Factor I, a source of antioxidants, which consists of red dragon fruit extract and carrot extract, while Factor II is the concentration of fruit extract, which consists of 3 levels, namely 5%, 10%, and 15%. The analysis variables included analysis of carbohydrate content, water content, protein content, fat content, ash content, antioxidant activity, total carotene, color intensity, cooking time, and sensory test. Results: The results of this study showed that the source of antioxidants and the percentage of antioxidant sources had an effect on ash content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrate content, total calories, antioxidant activity, total carotene, rice brightness, redness, yellowish, cooking time, antioxidant activity, and total carotene rice. Analog rice with the addition of 15% dragon fruit extract has the highest antioxidant activity, which is equal to 14.09%, while the highest carotene content is obtained from analog rice with the addition of 15% carrot extract, which is equal to 0.11 mg/100 g. Conclusion: The conclusion is that the addition of carrot fruit extract and dragon fruit extract affects the functional properties of analog rice

analog rice, arrowroot starch, antioxidants, carotene

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Chemical Characteristics and Viability of Starter Cultures of Freeze-Dried Sweet Potato Extract-Supplemented Synbiotic Yogurt
Agustina Intan Niken Tari, Catur Budi Handayani1, Sri Hartati

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Agustina Intan Tari

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo

The purple sweet potato extract-supplemented synbiotic yogurt as a prebiotic and Lactobacillus plantarum Dad 13 isolated from buttermilk as a probiotic offers the potential as a functional food, in spite of its storage in low temperature. A freeze-drying technique requires a cryoprotectant as a protective agent for dairy products such as yogurt. The research aimed to determine the proper sucrose concentration as a cryoprotectant to obtain the chemical properties and the viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Lactobacillus plantarum. It adopted a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) by including sucrose in various concentrations from 0%, 2.5%, 5% to 7.5% through three replications.The results signified that various sucrose concentrations significantly affected the yields of the purple sweet potato extract-supplemented synbiotic yogurt, reduction-sugar level, the total of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), and the total of Lactobacillus plantarum before and after the freeze-drying process, however, indicated no significant impact on the moisture content and total quantity of LAB. The best treatment to the synbiotic yogurt was induced through the addition of sucrose with a concentration of 5% as a cryoprotectant. The treatment signified the following characteristics: a 14.797% of yields, a 7.51% of water content, a 14.59% of reduction-sugar level, a 1.98x109 CFU/ml of total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) before the freeze-drying and a 9.28x108 CFU/ml after the freeze-drying, a 8.23x108 CFU/ml of total Lactobacillus plantarum before the freeze-drying and a 6.81x108 CFU/ml after the freeze-drying.

synbiotic yogurt, freeze-dried, chemistry, starter viability

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Comparison of Fasciolosis Level of Infection in Various Type of Livestock in Batu and Pujon District, East Java
Lili Zalizar (a*) and Khusnul Rahmawati (b)

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Lili Zalizar

a) Animal Science Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Raya Tlogomas, Malang, East Java, INDONESIA
b) Student of Animal Science Dept, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Raya Tlogomas, Malang, East Java, INDONESIA

Fasciolosis is a disease caused by Fasciola gigantica or Fasciola hepatica that infected ruminants and caused liver damaged and loss of productivity. This research aimed to understand cases of Fasciolosis in slaughter house at Batu and Pujon, East Java, Indonesia which include 50 samples in each region from various type of livestock conducted from February to March 2019 (2 months). Observation of liver flukes was conducted by liver organ necropsy, Fasciola worm counts, and liver organ changes (fibrosis) including the weight of damaged and discarded liver. Data analysis was done descriptively. The results showed that average percentage of cattle infected by Fasciola from Limousin type, Simmental, Ongole cattle breeds (PO), and FH cows breeds (PFH) were 35.94%; 58.33%; 30.95%; and 58.33% consecutively. Average number of Fasciola worm observed in each type of cattle/cows were 105 in Limousin, 49 in Simmental, 27 in PO, and 129 in PFH. Meanwhile liver fibrosis score average in Limousin, Simmental, PO, and PFH type were 1.48; 1.89; 1.33; and 1.75. Average percentage of liver damaged that were discarded in Limousin, Simmental, PO, and PFH were 11.77%; 14.19%; 4.84%; 20.95% consecutively. It is suspected that different types of livestock affect the susceptibility to Fasciola infection. There are indications that Limousin cattle are more tolerant of liverworm infections.

Breed of cattle/cows;Fasciola; Fasciolosis; Fibrosis

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Weny Nailul Hidayati1, Suvia Widyaningrum1, Retnosari Apriasti2, Bambang Sugiharto2,3*

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Weny Nailul Hidayati

1 Magister Biotechnology, University of Jember, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia
2Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Center for Development of Advanced Sciences and Technology (CDAST), University of Jember, Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia
3Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Jember University,
Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121, Indonesia

Background: SCMV (Sugarcane Mosaic Virus) is a disease that cause reduction in growth and productivity of sugarcane. Infection of SCMV show yellowish spots symptomatic sugarcane leaves that indicates a decrease in the concentration of chlorophyll. Infection by the virus causes chloroplast damage, decreased photosynthesis and a sugar productivity loss of approximately 20–50% [1, 2]. Aims : to compare resistences of transgenic sugarcane derived from PDR and RNAi method against artificial infection of SCMV Materials and Methods: the experiment was conducted by cultivation of PDR and RNAi-transgenic sugarcane in green house for 3 weeks. Artificial inoculation of SCMV was performed on the leaves of 3 weeks transgenic sugarcane. The resistences of transgenic sugarcane against SCMV infection were observed by the presence of yellowish spot and by analysis of RT-PCR and western blot. Results: One of the efforts to overcome the SCMV infection is the development of resistance against SCMV through genetic transformation. The transgenic sugarcane resistant to SCMV was successfully developed by Pathogen Derived Resistence (PDR) and RNA interference (RNAi) approaches using coat protein mediated resistances. Both of these techniques have the ability to suppress virus infection, but there is no study on their effectiveness. In this study, the transgenic sugarcane were grown and treated with SCMV inoculation test to determine and compare the resistances. The symptomatic observation and molecular analysis such as PCR, Western blot and RT-PCR were conducted to determine the effectiveness of the transgenic sugarcane. The PCR analysis confirmed that the transgenic sugarcane were genetically stable inserted by the targeted coat protein DNA at ± 700bp. The level of expression of coat protein genes was analyzed using Western blot and showed the results of protein size ± 30 Kda. Conclusions:Artificial inoculation using SCMV virus sap fluid showed that non-transgenic sugarcane have yellowish spots symptoms on the leaves, while transgenic sugarcane did not show the symptoms. This results showed that transgenic sugarcane developed by PDR and RNAi methods inhibit the replication of the SCMV virus when it is infected. References 1. Putra LK, Kristini A, Achadian EM, Damayanti TA (2014) Sugarcane streak mosaic virus in Indonesia: distribution, characterisation, yield losses and management approaches. Sugar Tech 16:392–399. https :// 5-013-0279-9 2. Akbar S, Tahir M, Wang M-B, Liu Q (2017) Expression analysis of hairpin RNA carrying sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) derived sequences and transgenic resistance development in a model rice plant. BioMed Res Int. 40

PDR, RNAi, Sugarcane Mosaic Virus, resistances, artificial inoculation.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Cultivation of chlorella sp in vinasse to produce poly-hydroxy butyrate
Gregorius Prima Indra Budianto (1*), Yari Mukti Wibowo (2), Hadiyanto (3), Widayat (3)

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Corresponding Author
Gregorius Prima Indra Budianto

(1) Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Setia Budi University, Jalan Let Jend Sutoyo, Mojosongo, Surakarta, Indonesia
*email: gregoriusprima2[at]
(2) Analyze Chemistry, Engineering Faculty, Setia Budi University, Jalan Let Jend Sutoyo, Mojosongo, Surakarta, Indonesia
(3) Chemical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia

Vinasse is ethanol wastewater that still contains nutrient so that it can be medium cultivation for chlorella sp. Cultivation chlorella sp. in vinasse not only for minimize its COD content but potentially to produce PHB in limited nutrient. This paper presents a cultivation process of chlorella sp in vinasse on various limited nutrient. Chlorella sp was cultivated in vinasse by adding complete nutrient (urea and TSP); adding TSP in vinasse (limited N) and adding urea in vinasse (limited P). Experiment data was optimized by mathematical model to compare the difference of limited nutrient systematically. The study confirmed that the best condition of medium of microalgae cultivation to minimize COD content in vinasse by addition phosphate into reactor. However, PHB could be best accumulated in the cell on limited phosphate medium.

chlorella sp., nutrient, vinasse, PHB

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Degradation of Phorbol Esters Present in Jatropha curcas Seed by Biologically Detoxification
Hany Handajani*1, Soni Andriawan1, Riza Rahman Hakim1, Ganjar Adhywirawan1

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Hany Handajani

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang 65144, Indonesia

International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (ICON-BEAT) 2019 Malang, Indonesia, November 7th, 2019 Degradation of Phorbol Esters Present in Jatropha curcas Seed by Biologically Detoxification Hany Handajani*1, Soni Andriawan1, Riza Rahman Hakim1, Ganjar Adhywirawan1 1 Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang 65144, Indonesia (Email:,,, Abstract. The application of fermentation is one of ancient methods to increase food quality biologically. Availability of Jatropha curcas residual from oil factory could be focused as nutrient replacement in feed fish which is known its nutrient from soybean meal or fish meal. In other hand, J. curcas redidual possesses a toxic compound as well. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of Aspergilus niger on the nutrition and toxic content of J. curcas as potential ingredient of fish feed. In brief, J. curcas residual was fermented with a detoxification method at 3, 5 and 7 days. Crude protein content crude fat content, crude fiber content was assessed to discover the biological responses of J. curcas post-fermentation while phorbol ester content was evaluated to toxic content post-detoxification. The results showed that crude protein content and crude fat content was highest on day 7 post-fermentation but it was no significant difference (p<0.05). While crude fiber content showed significant difference which the day 3 fermentation had the highest content of fiber. For phorbol ester content, three days fermentation showed better result than control group (p<0.05). The present findings suggest that A. niger is recommendable as starter fungi to reduce fiber and toxic content of J. curcas residual at 3 day fermentation. INTRODUCTION Feed is one of the factors that influence the growth of farmed fish. Intensive cultivation relying on commercial feed. Sources of protein in the diet comes from animal protein and vegetable protein. The main source of vegetable protein feed that is generally used is soy flour. Value of soy protein which is 34.39% . According Ardiansyah (2011), that the use of soy flour in commercial diets ranged between 10-25%. However, soybean prices are high now and still be imported. According to the Ministry of Commerce (2014), that the price of imported soybean in Indonesia, namely 11.342 rupiah / kg. The increase in soybean prices have resulted in increased price of commercial feed. It is not followed by the price of fish, affecting the sustainability of fish farming in Indonesia. One alternative to reduce the use of soy flour that is take advantage of other feed ingredients such as Jatropha Seed Cake. Availability of jatropha seed meal in Indonesia is very abundant due to increased production of castor oil as an energy source instead of petroleum. One ton of dry

Aspergilus niger, nutrient content, toxic compound, seed Jatropha curcas residual.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Detergents Effect on Egg Hatchability, Morphometry and Larval Bone Structure of Indonesian Native Fish Wader Pari (Rasbora lateristriata, Bleeker, 1854)
Farahsani Umi Abida and Bambang Retnoaji

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Bambang Retnoaji

Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yoyakarta, Indonesia

Water pollution by laundry detergents is a big concern, that can cause a variety of water pollution problems. Rasbora lateristriata is one of Indonesian endemic fish, which is very popular among people. Until recently, the reproduction proccesses of the fish occurs ini the rivers. The release of detergent from loundry tot he river is increasing recently. Therefore, this condition is possible leading to disturbtion of fish reproduction. The study was conducted to determine the effect of detergents on eggs hatchability, survival rates, morphometry and bone structure of wader fish. The fish were treated with detergent solution, with concentration of 0, 3, 6, and 9 ppm. Each test consists of 1 aquarium filled with 30 eggs. Eggs were hatched in detergent solution then calculated hatchability and survival rates for 1.5 months. The morphological characters observed were morphometry using ImageJ software. Bone structure preparations were made using specimens fixed with 96% alcohol then stained with the Alizarins Red-Alcian Blue staining method (Inouye, 1976). In each treatment 0, 3, 6, 9 ppm the percentage of egg hatchability was 96.67%; 95.56%; 96.67%; 96.67%. The percentage of survival rates is 90.84%; 88.34%; 83.81%; 87.55%. Morphometry of total body length of 4.45 cm; 4.24 cm; 4.37 cm; 4.33 cm. ANAVA test results on hatchability, survival rates, and morphometry showed no difference in all treatments (P> 0.05). The bone structure of the ray wader vertebrae is 31. The vertebral arch on the treatment is 0, 3, 6 ppm normal, while at 9 ppm there is showing abnormal tendency. It was concluded that ray wader fish can still tolerate detergents up to 9 ppm.

Detergent, Hatchability, Morphometry, Bone Structure, R. lateristriata

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Determinants of Technical Inefficiencies in Swamp Rice Farming in Ciamis District
Agus Yuniawan Isyanto*1, Sudrajat2 and Muhamad Nurdin Yusuf3

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Agus Yuniawan Isyanto

1,2,3 Agribusiness Department, Universitas Galuh, INDONESIA
Jl. RE Martadinata No. 150 Ciamis 46274

Swamp land is a marginal land so rice farming in swamps has a relatively high risk related to the level of technical efficiency achieved. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying the level of technical efficiency and the factors that influence technical inefficiency in swamp rice farming in Lakbok Subdistrict, Ciamis District. The sample size of 41 farmers taken using simple random sampling. The analysis was carried out using a stochastic frontier production function. The results showed that the average level of technical efficiency was 0.78. Education and family size have a significant effect on technical inefficiency

Rice farming, swamp land, technical efficiency, technical inefficiency

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Ari Prima(a*), Endang Purbowati (b), Edy Rianto (b), Agung Purnomoadi (b)

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Ari Prima

a) Animal Science Department, Faculty of Agricultural and Animal Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang 65144, Indonesia
b)Animal Science Department, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Dipengoro University, Tembalang Campus, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

This study was aimed determine the ratio of crude protein (CP) per total digestibility of nutrients (TDN) intake or CP/TDN intake to body weight gain, emissions of nitrogen and methane in lambs. 30 male Thin-tailed lambs aged 3-4 months with body weights 13.69 ± 2.43 kg (CV = 5.89%) were used in this study. The intake of CP (g) and TDN (g) were obtained from the percentage (%) CP and (%) TDN of each animal. The CP of feed ranges from 14-18% and TDN ranges from 60-70%. Then CP intake was divided by TDN intake (CP/TDN). The relationship between CP/TDN intake and average daily gain (ADG), meat production, nitrogen emissions (N), nitrogen oxide emissions (N2O) and methane gas emissions (CH4) were analyzed using correlation analysis. The number of CP/TDN intake has a strong correlation with ADG, but the CP/TDN intake with. The number of CP/TDN intake with N emissions has a moderate correlation, but the CP/TDN intake with N2O emissions has a strong correlation, while the CP/TDN with CH4 emissions has a weak correlation. The ratio of CP/TDN intake that can be given was in the range of 0.23 - 0.29.

Lambs, protein energy ratio, nitrogen and methane emissions

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Distribution Area of Ditylenchus spp. on Garlic in Central Java and East Java
Miftahul Ajri, Siwi Indarti

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Miftahul Ajri

Plant Pest Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb nematode) can attack garlic and cause distortion and yellowing of leaves and necrosis or rotting of bulbs. The existence of D. dipsaci was first reported in Temanggung, Central Java in 2018. This study aims to determine the distribution area of Ditylenchus spp. on garlic crops in Central and East Java. Samples of garlic crops were taken by purposive sampling method. Nematodes were extracted from bulbs and roots by water immersion method. Ditylenchus sp. found in the center of garlic crops in Magelang, Temanggung, Karanganyar, Tegal and Brebes (Central Java) and Mojokerto and Malang (East Java). The highest population of Ditylenchus sp. was found in Kaliangkrik, Magelang, Central Java (52,53 nematodes/5 gr bulbs) and Poncokusumo, Malang, East Java (45,73 nematodes/5 gr bulbs). The infested varieties of garlic were Lumbu Kuning, Lumbu Hijau, Tawangmangu Baru dan Sangga Sembalun. Lumbu Kuning was the variety with the highest nematode population (24,30 nematodes/5 gr bulbs). Ditylenchus sp. was not found in Tawangmangu Baru and Lumbu Kuning varieties in Karanganyar, but was found in the same variety in Magelang and Tegal. Based on the specific symptoms, morphological and morphometric characters, the nematode species found that infects garlic is Ditylenchus dipsaci.

distribution, Ditylenchus spp., Garlic

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect and Effectivity of Granular Organic Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Lowland Rice
Rohmad Budiono, Eko Sudarwati

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Rohmad Budiono

Assesment Institute for Agricultural Technology

Background: Organic fertilizer technology is growing rapidly today. This development is a result of the impact of the use of chemical fertilizers that cause various problems, namely damage to the ecosystem, decreased soil fertility, health problems, to the problem of farmers &

fertilizer, organic, lowland rice.

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect of Addition of Tofu Waste on Concentrate Feed on Ruminant Animal Nutrition Value
Engkus Ainul Yakin (a*), Sri Sukaryani (a*), and Catur Suci Purwati(a*)

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Engkus Ainul Yakin

Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara, Jl. Letjen Sujono Humardani No. 1, Sukoharjo 57521.
Telp. +62-0271-593156, fax. +62-0271-591065

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of tofu waste in concentrate feed on the nutritional value of ruminant animal feed. Concentrate feed used in this study uses concentrated feed for sheep. Tofu waste was obtained from the place of making tofu in Girimarto sub-district, Wonogiri Regency. The research method used was concentrate feed for sheep given the addition of tofu waste. The study used 3 treatments namely T0 = Concentrate without the addition of tofu waste (control), T1 = Concentrate with 10% tofu waste addition, and T2 = Concentrate with 20% tofu waste addition. The results of the study were analyzed in the laboratory to determine the nutritional value of sheep feed. The study was designed with a completely randomized design. Observation parameters of nutritional value of feed include dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber and in vitro digestibility. The results showed that dry matter content was 78.54 ± 0.23% and crude protein was 16.63 ± 0.46% with the addition of tofu waste until 20% showed a significant difference, whereas crude fiber was 20.37 ± 0.48 % showed no significant difference, while the dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility showed no significant difference. The conclusion of this study was the addition of tofu waste in the concentrate had an effect on the dry matter and crude protein, but not significantly different on crude fiber. The addition of tofu waste to the concentrate did not affect the digestibility of dry matter or the digestibility of organic matter

tofu waste, animal feed, concentrate, in vitro digestibility

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect of Freeze Drying Pressure and Operating Time on Mass Balance and Characteristics of Freeze Dried Mango Slices (Mangifera Indica L.)
Suherman (a*), Andhini Putri Trianita (b)

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Corresponding Author
Suherman Suherman

a) Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University
Jalan Prod. H. Soedharto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
b) Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University
Jalan Prod. H. Soedharto, SH, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

Mango is one of the local food commodities in Indonesia which has a high water and sugar content and is vulnerable to thermal conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of time (t) and pressure (P) freeze dryer on mass balance and the characteristics of freeze dried mango slices produced through 6 kinds of experiments based on time and pressure variations of freeze dryer. Freeze dried mango was then calculated on mass balance and analyzed on moisture content (MC), color, and hedonic test. The value of moisture content on mangoes from all experiments resulted in a value that was in accordance with Indonesian national standardization of dried fruit products. The color of the mango does not have a significant change that has a distinctive color of the type of gedong gincu mango was bright orange to dark orange caused by drying with low temperatures can maintain the chemical structure of the material. The presence of moisture content and color values in the freeze dried mango slices produced affects the level of panelists preference for the product.

characteristic, freeze drying, mango, mass balance, moisture content

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Kinetin on In-vitro Plant Regeneration Through Anther Culture of Black Rice Cultivar
Effect of Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Kinetin on In-vitro Plant Regeneration Through Anther Culture of Black Rice Cultivar

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Corresponding Author
Faida Nur Laeli

1Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember, INDONESIA.
2Graduate School of Biotechnology, University of Jember, INDONESIA
3Center for Development of Advanced Science and Technology, University of Jember, INDONESIA.
(*E-mail: trihandoyo.faperta[at]

Background: Anther culture is a tissue culture technique that uses pollen to produce plants. Anther culture shortens the acquisition time of pure lines from 6-8 generations of plants to 1-2 generations [1]. The success of tissue culture can be seen by the high regeneration power of callus that is formed. Factors that can affect one of them is the difference in nutrition and growth regulators given. The addition of growth regulators in the form of IAA and Kinetin is expected to be able to handle the problems that occur in the regeneration process of anther callus. This research uses combination media A1: 0 ppm, A2: 1 ppm, and A3: 2 ppm. The second factor is the concentration of Kinetin with 4 levels B1: 1 ppm, B2: 1.5 ppm, B3: 2 ppm, and B4: 2.5 ppm. Observation variables include 1) Green Spot, 2) Brown Callus, 3) Plantlet, 4) Root. The results showed that the treatment of 2 ppm IAA + 2.5 ppm Kinetin gave a good response of anther callus regeneration, 12.5% plantlets formed and appeared when the callus was 30 days marked by budding, 62.5 % green spot formed; 0% browncallus, 12.5% plantlet; and 50% rooted callus. Aims: To obtained the right concentration of IAA and Kinetin for the regeneration of black rice plant anther callus in vitro. Materials and Methods: The materials used in this study were black rice anther callus from previous studies; 0.4gr / 100mL N6; 0.3gr / 100mL Phytagel; 3% sucrose; 0.05gr / 100mL glutamine; IAA and Kinetin, 70% alcohol; NaOH; HCl; and aquadest. Callus subculture the calli of 1-2 mm diameter with criteria callus friable to N6 regeneration media which includes a combination of IAA (0; 1; 2) ppm, Kinetin (1; 1.5; 2; 2,5 ) ppm. The regeneration callus that had been transferred to the regeneration media was incubated in a sterile room in a room without light for 7 days for a total of 8 calluses per bottle. The regeneration callus was then placed in a no-light condition (dark room) for 7 days. After that, transferred to a room with light for 16 h at 28±2ºC and light intensity 1500-1600 lux until a plantlet appears. Subcultures need to be done further because at the age of ± 14-21 days the callus that has been subcultured previously shows a change in size and if it takes too long the callus will turn brown and the regeneration power of the callus decreases. Results: The anther callus used in this study was an induction callus that was produced from a previous study, Bantul black rice variety using MS induction media; 0.5 ppm 2,4-D; 2.5 ppm NAA; and 0.5 ppm Kinetin. Callus regeneration required higher cytokinin concentrations compared to auxin [1]. Each increase in the concentration of cytokinins is able to show a tendency for the appearance of callus, shoots, and leaves more quickly, and plays an important role in the regeneration of the callus used [2]. Regeneration media 2 ppm IAA + 2.5 ppm Kinetin showed the highest number of green spots in the regeneration callus compared to other treatments 62.5%. Treatment

Black rice, IAA, Kinetin, Regeneration Callus Anther

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect of Replacement of Antibiotic with Clove Essential Oil on Carcass and Its Part Weights and Physical Quality Characteristics of the Hybrid Duck
E. Widodo*1, M. H. Natsir1 and I. H. Djunaidi1, H. Evanuarini2 and D. Kurniawan3

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Corresponding Author
Eko Widodo

1Department of Animal Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: eko.widodo[at], emhanatsir[at], irjuna[at]
2Department of Animal Product and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Brawijaya,, INDONESIA.
(Email: herlyfptub[at]
3Putra Sang Fajar State Community Academy, Blitar, INDONESIA.
(E-mail: davidkurniawan34[at]

The replacer of Antibiotic Growth Promoter (AGP) is essential in poultry since its use has been banned in 2018. The search of locally available alternative AGP replacer is important because currently the replacer products are imported. The use of essential oil from clove oil is potential to be elaborated. The current research is aimed to examine the effect of clove oil level in the feed of Indonesia hybrid duck on carcass weight and its physical quality characteristics. This experiment used 120 Day Old Ducks allotted to 4 treatments namely P0 as control feed+ virginiamycin, P1 control feed+ 200 ppm clove oil, P2 control feed + 400 ppm clove oil, and P3 control feed + 600 ppm clove oil. Each treatment was repeated 5 times. While they were raised until 7 weeks of age, feed and water were provided ad libitum. The variables measured were carcass weight, carcass parts (breast, leg, wing and fore and hind quarter weights), Water content, Water Holding Capacity (WHC) and cooking loss. The data subjected to ANOVA statistical analysis, if significant result obtained then continued with Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed in Table 1 indicated that no significant effect (P>0.05) was found on replacement of antibiotic with clove essential oil toward carcass and its parts weights as well as physical quality of carcass of hybrid duck. It is then concluded that the use of clove essential oil might replace the role of antibiotic in hybrid duck nutrition.

clove oil, feed additive, carcass, WHC, cooking loss and hybrid duck

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect of Row Circle Method on Growth of Sweet Corn (Zea mays Saccharata)
Lutfy Ditya Cahyanti, Use Etica

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Darussalam Gontor University

Abstract. The experiment aims to knowing the effect off row circle planting method on growth of sweet corn. This research was conducted in the Sub District of Siman District of Siman, Ponorogo, with altitude 140 amsl and textured clay grumosol soil types. The research used a randomized block design (CBD) with 4 kinds of planting spaces included C1 = 8 plant / (60x80) cm2, C2 = 16 plant / (60x80) cm2, C3 = 12 plant/ (60 x 80) cm2, C4 = 1 plant/ (60 x 80) cm2, C5 = 1 plant/ (60 x 80) cm2 with mowing. Each experimental unit was repeated 5 times so that there were 25 units. The observation was done at on 21,28, 35, 42 and DAP (day after planting). Some vegetative growth traits of sweet corn were determined as: plant height (cm), no. of leaves (leaf plant-1), leaf area (m2). Data obtained from observations were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a confidence level of 95%. The result showed not significantly different between row circle planting method on height of plant, number of leaf, leaf area, and leaf area index. However, it was clearly seen on the graphic that in treatment with C1 = 8 plant / (60x80) cm2 on 49 dap had the tallest height with a value of 194.60 cm. On the other hand, was observed in treatment 1 plant/ (60 x 80) cm2 with a value of 184.40 cm.

sweet corn, plant, growt, row, method

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


Effect of Storage Time of Frozen Dough on Sweet Bread Properties-Derived from Substituted of Purple Sweet Potato Flour
Elfi Anis Sa-ati1), Badai Waramang1), Sri Winarsih1), Rista Anggriani1*)

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Corresponding Author
Rista Anggriani

Food Science and Technology Department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.

Background The technology of frozen dough (frozen dough) as a new breakthrough in efforts to improve efficiency and maintain the quality, is widely applied in the food industry to facilitate the production of bread, noodles, and dumplings, and is mainly produced from wheat flour (WF). The WF which is not derived from Indonesia, forced manufacturers to explore new formulations using local material. Purple sweet potato was chosen due to its color as an antioxidant source, potented to be functional food. But purple sweet potato has low binding capacity for bakery ingredients, thus the role of gluten from wheat flour is still needed. Moreover, the addition of yeast and emulsifier to the dough plays a role in maintain the volume when the dough baked, The research was conducted in University of Muhammadiyah Malang along 6 months (September 2018 – February 2019). Aims The aim of this research are to develop formula of frozen dough -substituted by purple sweet potato flour and added between yeast and emulsifier- along storage time and to know its effect toward sweet bread properties. Materials and Methods Firstly, the formula of frozen dough was designed with different of yeast concentrations in 3 levels (3%; 5%; 7% w/w) and types of emulsifiers (eggs, Lecithin, SP), while purple sweet potato flours substituted is 20%. The dough was mixed using straight dough method and stored in freezer at -20oC for three days and then frozen dough was baked to obtain sweet bread. According to Standard of Sweet Bread in Indonesia Number 01-3840-1995, the sweet bread was analyzed by its moisture, ash, and sensory test (taste, aroma, and color). Moreover, antioxidant activity, redness and volume expansion capacity were tested. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and least significant difference (LSD) test at level of 0.05 using Microsoft Excel. Results Based on Table 1, when compared between sweet bread obtained from fresh dough and frozen dough on the first day of storage, it showed that 8 out of 9 formulas did not effect on the volume expansion capacity of sweet bread significantly, while when compared between volume expansion capacity of sweet bread obtained from frozen dough on 1st and 2nd day of storage, only 1 formula showed a significant difference. Whereas only 2 formulas had a significant difference when compared between the volume expansion capacity of sweet bread produced from frozen dough on the 2nd and 3rd day of storage. This phenomenon exhibited that the freezing of dough did not greatly affect the volume expansion capacity of the sweet bread. Frozen dough with a straight dough mixing method, a short fermentation time allows no loss of viability and gas capability during the frozen storage which is quite significant (Tressler et al, 1968). In addition, the formulations carried out cause the average development of sweet bread reaches above 50%. This indicates the role of the emulsifier in the development of the bread. Emulsifiers will impro

Frozen dough, purple sweet potato flour, storage, sweet bread

Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture


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